Haha, I've Caught You Now!!

Stay, enjoy, read some poetry, you know you want to!
Okay, so basically, I'll put my poems up here, but there will be the occasional sim update or two, of what's happening in my sim-self's life. Just bear with me, and skip over that if you want.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

LoZ: Phantom Hourglass

I've certainly put lots of stuff about Zelda up lately haven't I?

Well, today I be talking about The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass which is a totally awesome game. I finally decided to take the time to invest in something worthwhile for my Nintendo DS and it's a helluva time.

I just love the whole concept of making it strictly "touch only" you know, where you have to use your stylus for everything essentially. It's so different from every other game, but yet, it continues off of a great storyline (Wind Waker) which just makes it that much better.

It introduces some new characters (Linebeck, "Grandpa"), and re-instates some old ones (Tetra, Link, Beedle) and it even incorporates a boss that ISN'T Ganon/Ganondorf! (Bellum) Essentially I think this is one of the better Legend of Zelda games. It really seemed easy to me, I could figure out a lot of the puzzles within seconds, but at the same time it was still challenging. I know, that's a total contradiction of itself, but it's completely true.

Like, there was a part where you had to use a bomb to hit a switch otherwise you couldn't possibly make it across the bridge the switch made in time (the bomb gives you a head start so to speak), but yet, in another area, I had trouble avoiding boulders that rolled in the same path of eachother. And it wasn't because I wasn't paying attention, I was. XD

I did love the part about the different boat. The King of Red Lions just creeped me out, so I was personally glad he was gone, and with the new boat comes infinite bombs! *insert evil laughter* that and I could actually bomb a seagull! I hated having to waste perfectly good bombs out at sea when I needed them for other things, so I'm quite pleased with their infiniteness (<- I don't think that's a word. XD)

Anyways, it's a great game, and I'm still not completely done with it, but I love all the little subplots and such that keep me from killing the final boss (well, one of them). So yeah, it's a great game, even with its flaws (which I have yet to notice) and I'm going to go play it more. Good night ya'll.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time FTW

So I totally just beat the game after a week of playing it whenever I could. Hell, I cheated a little and used a walkthru to find all the dumb gold skultulas, but other than that, it was all me baby, all me.

It's such a great game, sure the graphics could use a little work, but it's old, it was for the N64 originally, but I've played it on both the GameCube and the N64, and I love it. Of course, Link is absolutely adorable, and he doesn't wear pants!

I love most of the songs on the Ocarina that you get during gameplay, but what I have to wonder is, what happens when you get an upgraded item of an item you already have. Like, when Saria gives you that Ocarina, what does Link do with it when he gets the Ocarina of Time? Or when he gets the Longshot, what does he do with the Hookshot? I mean, does he just throw them away, or does he just, put them in a little hidey-hole somewhere off in Hyrule field?

Oh, and the ending, you know, where Zelda decides to send him back to live life differently, I hope she realizes that no matter what happens, that's probably the way history would happen. Remember at the beginning the Deku tree was dying so he sent Navi to help Link? Well, if she sends him back to 7 years ago, then the Deku tree would STILL be dying, and Navi would find Link and he'd fulfill his destiny as the Hero of Time...again. Zelda is dumb in this game. Actually..she's dumb in every game, always getting kidnapped and used and stuff. Seriously, wtf?

Overall, it's a great game, and I'm just totally in love with it, and of course, since I'm done with it, my friend wants to borrow it after hearing about how annoying Navi (Hey Listen!) is, and how just generally awesome the game is. (I've beaten it 4 times now. XD) So I said, "Fine, but I want to borrow Twilight Princess."
I swear, I'm the only person who loves Zelda and hasn't played that game yet! Sue me, I don't care, I WILL play Twilight Princess!! I will I say!
Well, until next time, see ya later readers!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker..wtf?

Alright, so it's a great game sure. It really is, the whole concept of controlling the winds and sailing is just awesome, even if you get seasick, XD, it's still great. But the fact that little Princess Zelda is a KID in this game, when in fact she GREW UP in a couple of the other games does not make any sense.

I've come to accept the fact that Princess Zelda is a kid, but it still pisses me off that they fucked it up. (They = Creators of Zelda) I've also decided that the Zelda in this game is but a reincarnation of the Zelda we knew in past games, just as Link is a descendant of the original Link. There is no possible way/explanation that the Zelda and Link in this game are the REAL Zelda and Link from the very first game. Especially because THEY GROW UP in Ocarina of Time. So ha.

Alright, I'm done, back to playing my game now.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sims 2!!

So instead of a poem or short story, I give you THE SIMS 2 UPDATES!!!!
OMG totally awesome right? RIGHT!

Anyways, we have chapter 1 and 2 of my legacy that I just recently started! Ya'll know you want to read it!!

Chapter 1: http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/story_detail.php?asset_id=224187&asset_type=story&user_id=4172422

Chapter 2: http://thesims2.ea.com/exchange/story_detail.php?asset_id=226451

As for finding the simselves, they're all on my sim page, and I have some houses as up as well. None of them are shown in the stories, but I just thought I'd get that off my chest. XD

Ya'll should totally rate them and give me comments on what I can do to improve and all that happy dandy stuff. XD

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So..this one also has an owl in it, although it's COMPLETELY different from my last psychotic one, haha. Enjoy, oh, and if you're reading this (you'd better know who you are) I hope it sounds SLIGHTLY familiar, especially because it has you in it! I love you Bear.

As the shadow of night decended two wings glided silently above the snowy ground.
A lone, young owl, searching for her prey was the only thing stirring in the starry night.
Gliding swiftly a few feet above the ground, she hears a mouse. Yum.
Quickly turning towards the small sound, swooping low, her talons splayed to make the catch.
She seizes the mouse, clutching it tightly in her iron grasp.
It squeals in dismay as she glides to the tree tops to find a perch to feast.
All the while, another creature, a much more deadly creature, is watching in fascination. Never having seen her hunt before. (you've made your entrance Bear)
A wraith among the shadows he hides in, his stell net glistening eerily in the starry night. His white teeth showing in his smile, and the glint in his eye evidence he loves to hunt.
As the owl finishes her meal, she swoops down silently, continuing her journey. Something flashes before her eyes, and, before she knows it, she's caught in the hunters' net.
Struggling and thrashing about for freedom, she's calmed surprisingly quickly with a few soft words. She's carried to a small cabin, nestled in the woods, and the warm breeze hits her ruffled feathers as the door opens enough to let the hunter and hunted into the house.
The bear-like hunter moves into a corner of the room where a tall aviary sits, made just right for the owl to feel at home. He quickly and gently transfers her into the aviary, watching as she fluffs her reddish feathers up and then settles back down again. She looks back at her captor, stunned that he had actually caught her, again, but knowing that the fight was over, that she was his once again, and going to stay that way for a very long time.
Sighing an owl-like sigh she turns her back to him, ruffling her reddish feathers as well; showing her annoyance. She hears his growl, she feels the soft breeze of the aviary door opening again, and she preens in delight, knowing that he wants her to be happy, but wanting her for himself as well.
She feels one of his great hands gently stroking her back, coaxing her to turn around, and when she does, she croons softly at him, making him smile and lift her gently out of the enclosure. He uses his free hand to stroak his goatee, deep in thought as he wonders over to the window. Without a thought, she flies out of his hand and alights on his shoulder, crooning softly in his ear as he stops by the big bay window.
He turns his head, smiling at her, then goes back to his brooding, staring up at the moonless sky, brightly lit with stars, wishing for his freedom, and wanting her to be happy.. She follows his gaze up into the black sky, wishing for her freedom, but wishing to keep her freedom and stay at the same time.

Alright, so it was just a little short story/poem thing-a-ma-bob, but I thought it was okay..go ahead and give me comments and critics and all that jazz. It's welcome, as long as you're telling me WHY you did or didn't like it, what I can do to improve, or just telling me that I'm awesome. haha.

Pyro's Playlist!